The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)

An Efficient Perceptual of CBIR System using MIL-SVM Classification and SURF Feature Extraction

Bhuvana Shanmugam,Radhakrishnan Rathinavel,Tamije Perumal,Subhakala Subbaiyan

Image Segmentation Based on Watershed and Edge Detection Techniques Nassir Salman

perform image segmentation and edge detection tasks. We obtained an initial segmentation based on K-means clustering

Medical Image Segmentation With Fuzzy C-Means

Anusuya Venkatesan1 and Latha Parthiban2 1Department of Information Technology, Saveet ha School of Engineering, India 2Department of Computer Science, Pondicherry University, India

Edge Preserving Image Segmentation using Spatially Constrained EM Algorithm

Abstract: In this paper, a new method for edge preserving image segmentation based on the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)

Hidden Markov Random Fields and Particle

Laboratoire des Méthodes de Conception des Systèmes-Ecole Nationale Supérieure en Informatique,

Medical Image Segmentation using a Multi-Agent System Approach

 Faculty of Computer Science and Information Techno logy, University of Malaya, Malaysia 

Otsu s Thresholding Method Based on Plane Intercept Histogram and Geometric Analysis

Leyi Xiao1, Honglin Ouyang1, and Chaodong Fan2 1College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, China 2Foshan Green Intelligent Manufacturing Research Institute, Xiangtan University, China